About Me

My name is Myia and I am a mom to two wonderful girls. We love to explore life through sensory/messy play and nature. I strongly believe that you need to let children "be little" to reach their full potential. We encourage mess and exploring to build our little one up. We learn through a mixture of Reggio/Waldrof/Montessori practices. Follow for ideas and experiences in sensory play as well as our attachment parent journey!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Planting Flowers Play Dough

Happy Earth Day! As you know, we've been celebrating all month and we will be continuing to celebrate all month! Today we did two activities, but the craft I will be posting later (busy mom!)

We had a simple activity using Tegan's favorite medium, play dough. I got to dye the dough black which was fun for me for whatever reason-I am so used to natural or bright colors doing something dark was interesting!

Again I used my basic recipe, but with black food dye added:
  • 2 Cups of Flour
  • 2 Tbsp of Oil
  • 1/2 Cup of Salt
  • 2 Tbsp Cream of Tartar
  • 1 1/2 Cup Boiling Water
I had to use coconut oil this time as I was out of my dough oil I keep on hand-and I would have added less oil. When it cooled I had to had more flour because it was oily!

I let Tegan use her imagination on where she wanted to take this activity, which to my dismay wasn't the flowers. She only played with them for a short time, then continued to play with the dough as she normally would. 

Don't mind the strawberry yogurt all over her face LOL she would not let me clean her up! 

We read a few Earth day books, but I unfortunately didn't have any age appropriate garden ones! Hopefully next year I will. We did read a few flower books and tree books.

Happy Earth Day everyone! What did you guys do?


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