About Me

My name is Myia and I am a mom to two wonderful girls. We love to explore life through sensory/messy play and nature. I strongly believe that you need to let children "be little" to reach their full potential. We encourage mess and exploring to build our little one up. We learn through a mixture of Reggio/Waldrof/Montessori practices. Follow for ideas and experiences in sensory play as well as our attachment parent journey!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Pumpkin Sensory Fun

So; who doesn't love pumpkin? It is the time of year! When your grabbing pie pumpkins, don't forget to grab your child one too! I got this pumpkin for only $1, and we had an hour worth of fun with it!


Now, pumpkin play is one of the messier plays! Tegan was reserved at first and it took me getting into it for her to really flourish. So don't be fooled that your baby isn't enjoying it, let them relax and explore it on their own.
Not sure of the slime just yet!

 It was simple enough; I first cut the top off and let Tegan scoop up the seeds. Since we used a pie pumpkin the seeds were small enough I wasn't worried about Tegan chocking on one if she did eat it (which she didn't!)

Putting the top back on-how smart!

Helping scoop out the seeds

The fruit scoop was awesome for this

After awhile I cut the pumpkin in half so she really could go at it. I had to put the camera down because we were getting so messy! But I helped her scrape the skin and we loved playing with the pumpking slimy goop! She also would squeeze the seeds and see them slip out of her grip! 

Sooo slimy in the best way! When she started to get board I brought out some small containers with water and we made pumpkin scoop! It was fun to see the seeds float! She dumped the water on the tablecloth and splashed around, almost making a seed river!

Clean up was simply enough; I used a towel to dry off the water, swept up the seeds, and the best part?

Our pet rabbits loved the pumpkin leftovers!!!

Thank you for reading!

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