About Me

My name is Myia and I am a mom to two wonderful girls. We love to explore life through sensory/messy play and nature. I strongly believe that you need to let children "be little" to reach their full potential. We encourage mess and exploring to build our little one up. We learn through a mixture of Reggio/Waldrof/Montessori practices. Follow for ideas and experiences in sensory play as well as our attachment parent journey!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Making Sensory Snow from a Disposable Diaper!

There are a few recipes floating out on Pinterest on snow, but the most common and easy seems to be the one made from a diaper. I know you are thinking two things:

1. Why Snow when there is snow outside
2. A Diaper?!
The "Snow"

Here in Arizona it barley become cool enough for jackets, so snow for us is an experience! Come to think of it, I have only seen snow about three times in my adult life!

Yes, a Diaper! We cloth diaper, but I was able to get my hands on three samples of a national brand via a friend. Some people were vocal about the chemicals in diapers-I would suggest if your little one has sensitive skin to avoid this project. For us I felt it was fine.

It is easy enough; you want to rip out the inner lining of the diaper, the "Fluff." And word to the wise, it is dusty. So dusty I felt that was more  dangerous than handling the fluff with our hands. So I did it away from Tegan and held my breath. I then just added water, and some blue glitter for effects! I then let chill in teh freezer for about 30 minutes.

The Water Table

Tegan skipped her nap, so I decided to amp it up a little bit by added soapy water and cotton balls for a fun "winter" exhibit featuring her little arctic animals. I actually got all her animal from Goodwill, a tip keep your eyes open the next time your there! I scored her collection of about 80 animals for about $6.

Of course, the water ended up being her favorite activity. Our backyard is under construction so when she started wanting to wander off, I brought the table in.

I left it up for awhile, and she ended up tossing the "snow" into the water in which it dissolved, fine by me it was a easier clean up!

Leave a comment if you stop by and tell me what you think! Thank you!

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