About Me

My name is Myia and I am a mom to two wonderful girls. We love to explore life through sensory/messy play and nature. I strongly believe that you need to let children "be little" to reach their full potential. We encourage mess and exploring to build our little one up. We learn through a mixture of Reggio/Waldrof/Montessori practices. Follow for ideas and experiences in sensory play as well as our attachment parent journey!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Egg Splat Painting

First off, let me tell you the hardest thing about this activity was carefully cracking the eggs! Talk about a pain in the butt and my scrambled eggs had shells in them for days...

But it was fun! I simply cracked the tops of eggs, used the yolk, and washed out. Once I had a dozen I filled them with paint. I used recycled shipping paper as our work place. 

Tegan was pretty confused about it at first, she wanted to "Dump" the paint out. And when she did throw them, she wasn't quite strong enough to break them

But nevertheless, she had fun.

She realized there was more paint inside them after she poured them out, so she tore them apart which was actually pretty fun for her to do because it made it all slippery. 

After she had cracked them all, I let her put water in the paint bottles that had only residue left in and she "painted" with those.

Overall, this is better suited for children strong enough to throw the eggs hard. Or, climb a small ladder or slide and "Drop" the eggs, which is what I think we should have done! For the work of trying to delicately crack the eggs, I wouldn't do this again haha!

Thanks for reading!

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