So, I think I have found one of my personal sensory mix ups today! It late morning here, and Tegan is having a rough time this morning, very clingy and nursing a lot. I finally put her down for a nap and it has been a tough time. We've already had two sensory playtimes to help distract her and get her in a good mood. For quick set up, I always use my cloud dough. It's a favorite here and gets her distracted for a little it while Mommy does things! Like, drink coffee so I don't go crazy, LOL!
But the big winner today has been this new combo, water beads and shaving cream!
Wow, let me tell you, the texture of this is AMAZING! I had just as much fun with it as she did! The shaving cream made the beads feel cool, even though they were at room temp. And the squishy-ness of the cream was very nice with the slipperiness of the beads.
Like most of this morning, she needed this activity to have lot of mommy guidance. I think if she were in a better mood she would have dived more in, but nevertheless she had a blast.
You could soak the beads in coloring to make a nice contrast I personally liked the transparent look of clear on white :)
For clean up to save the water beads, I simply scooped them into a pasta strainer and rinsed :)
Thank you for reading!
So great, she looks like she's playing marshmallow cream!