I was at big lots and saw.some Red Mill tapioca pearls. I know people use the large ones.as water beads but wasn't sure about the little ones. I took a chance at $2.cooking them I was unsure about, I soaked them in enough water to cover them for half hour. Then I boil them on low for about 10 minutes and it turned into the consistency of well, tapioca pudding. I then added kool aid into four bowls and spooned the mixture in, coloring. I then refrigerated for about a hour so it was nice and cool.
I know some moms may have qualms about kool aid dye or the babies tasting it, but it isn't one of my worries. Tegan is very oral but I find it is easy enough to keep her from eating it and its still technically safe if she does.
The pudding had a very thick texture, thicker than jello but I knew it would still be fun. And the kool aid make it smell DELICIOUS!
Of most of our messy plays, this was by far the worst to clean up. Have no doubt it is extremly thick and sticky and have the bath ready after wards for a good scrub down. I feel older kids would enjoy this much more than Tegan's age (9 months) but she still had a blast.
Thank you for reading! And remember, let them be little!
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